About Molly

2020 St. Benedict Medal Award

This is Woodside Priory’s Highest Honor, awarded to the person who personifies the Benedictine ideal of respect for others, concern for one’s community, and quest for truth through academic studies.

2011 St. Stephen Teaching Award

Awarded to the person who best models the Benedictine values of Hospitality, Individuality, Spirituality, Community, and Integrity; who acts to further the building of community; and “who listens with the ear of their heart.”

While my degrees and professional experience are in religious studies, psychology, and education, my relationships and experiences have been the most important teachers.  My major stroke, loss of loved ones, and time abroad have further inspired me to become the person I am.

Over the last twenty years, I’ve envisioned, organized, and facilitated over 200 retreats throughout the world, for groups ranging from five to 500. Each retreat focuses on a central theme and is grounded in various wisdom traditions. Each includes exercises that invite participants to think more deeply about their experiences. There’s time for silent reflection, communal discussion, and moments of meditation or prayer, or both.

My favorite size is eight to twelve people, a small size that allows each participant to be seen, heard, known, and loved, in an inspired, engaging, safe, and open environment where each participant will grow in ways they feel deeply called: to become their inspired selves.

In the videos below, I share two separate talks including life experiences that inform my perspective and purpose.